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    On the Podoval Clínica del Pie website, the following measures have been taken to enable users to access all content and functionalities more easily. 

    This statement has been prepared on March 1, 2024.

    The method used to prepare the statement was an assessment carried out by the accessibility office of the same organization.

    Last review of the statement: March 1, 2024.


    The pages are displayed correctly in different browsers used for analysis (Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome).

    Coherent navigation

    Consistency is ensured on the website, making navigation coherent across all pages and providing a satisfying user experience.


    Interferences such as intermittent content, exaggerated blinking, or auto-playing audio are avoided.


    The page titles indicate the portal and section to allow users to contextualize it.


    The forms contain correctly associated labels and controls.

    Social media

    The connectors of the social networks are accessible and have textual alternatives.

    Audiovisual playback

    The audiovisual players are accessible for users on any type of device, keyboard users, and individuals with visual disabilities.

    Color contrast

    The visual characteristics of the website (font type, text color, and background) have been defined through the style sheet. They must comply with accessibility guidelines regarding the contrast ratio at level AA.


    The language of the pages is correctly marked.


    The language of the page is simple and suitable for the audience to whom the content is directed.


    This portal is designed to allow changing the text size, color, and page background using the standard configuration options of web browsers.

    If you want to change the font size in the main graphical browsers, use the following menus:

    • Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and Firefox: View > Text Size
    • Opera: View > Zoom
    • Safari: View > Make Text Bigger
    • Chrome: Control the current page > Text Size


    To modify the size of everything on the page:

    • Ctrl + + to increase it
    • Ctrl + – to decrease it
    • Ctrl + 0 restores the original text size


    If you want to override the style sheet or change the text color, you can refer to the WAI page ‘How to Change Text Size or Colors,’ which can be read in Spanish on How to Change Text Size or Colors?

    The development of Agencia Yerro’s websites is based on compliance with the UNE-EN 301549 standard, as required by RD 1112/2018, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 at level AA, established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

    If you encounter any barriers on the website, please inform us by filling out any available contact form on the website or by using the following email address:

    Financiado por la unión europea
    Plan de recuperación
    © 2024 – Podoval Clínica del Pie – Nº Registro Sanitario 15.286 – Desarrollo: